Frequently Asked Questions


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Who manages East Dean Downlands Roads?

The company is run solely by volunteers. There are no employees. We have two Directors - Robert Corbett (Chair) and Stewart Fuller (Co. Seretary). They are supported by an Adminstrator - Caraline Marchant who replaced Rowland Hoar at the end of 2024. The Board is supported by several advisors who help with specific topics

How do I contact EDDR?

Please use the Contact Us tab above. We aim to reply within seven days, usually quicker 

How do I become a shareholder?

All households on the Estate are entitled, and encouraged, to become a shareholder; there's no charge. A share certificate, in single or joint names of the householder, is provided. Use the Contact Us form above to apply - giving your name and address. Only shareholder householders which have paid all annual contributions in full, past and present years, will be entitled to vote at the AGM.


How do I find out if my account is up to date?

The easiest way is to send us a request via the Contact Us form above, or email us direct on We'll reply by email. Your account balance will include the total amount outstanding (if any) for this year and any previous years.

Should I tell you if I'm selling my property on the Estate?

Yes please, and if you know the purchaser's name please let us know; we can then update our records. Both the vendor and purchaser's solicitors will usually contact us as well to confirm annual fees are up to date as part of the conveyancing. 

What is the current annual fee and what is it likely to be going forward?

For 2025 the fee is £125 per household and invoices will be issued in January for payment by end February 2025. The shareholders have agreed the principle of real price increases in the annual fee (ie an increase in line with CPI, plus). The fee for 2026 will be set at the AGM to be held on 10 March 2025.

Can we have a speed limit on the Estate roads?

The Estate roads are public highways and the local traffic authority (ESCC) deals with speed limits on the highways in our area. They have the power to designate any road the public has access to - including private or unadopted roads - as a 'restricted road' where a general 30mph speed limit applies (or less). EDDR has no authority regarding speed limits on the Estate roads.

Does the Roads Co. maintain the car park by the shops in Downlands Way?

No. The car park area by the shops is owned by the Parish Council which is responsible for the maintainence. 

Who grits the Estate roads in winter?

As the Estate Roads are unadopted and not maintained by the local highways authority, it is down to the Estate households and neighbours to ensure that the roads get treated. The Residents' Association has set up Team Grit to address the issue.

Does EDDR look after the mirrors at the junction of MDR and Wenthill Close?

No. These mirrors and the one at the corner near the top of Hillside were kindly provided and are maintained by the Residents' Association 





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