

News items are listed in chronological order (latest first). They will be removed when the list becomes too large and/or the item is no longer relevant. 

07 February 2025AGM

The EDDR AGM (reviewing the year 2024 and looking forward) will be held on Monday 10 March 2025 at 7pm in the village hall. Calling notices will be sent to shareholders around 23 February. All Estate residents are welcome to attend but only shareholders whose fees are up to date are entitled to vote. 

06 February 2025Website Statistics - 2025

Monthly viewing statistics for this website in 2025:

Month Sessions Page Views
Jan 185 472
Year to Date 185 472

15 January 2025Gulley Clearances

The annual inspections and clearances of the 200+ drains and gulleys on the Estate have recently been completed. A massive 20 tonnes of silt, leaves and waste were extracted.   

08 January 2025Gas Mains Replacement - 5

The engineering works associated with the replacement gas mains in Wenthill Close, Downlands Way and Wayside should be completed during w/c 13 January. Reinstatement and site clearance will then be during the following week or two. 

07 January 2025On-line Library

Do take a look at the on-line library now and again, there may be something of interest for you.

03 January 202520mph Speed limit - 2

At their meeting in December, the Parish Council resolved to apply for a Road Traffic Order to introduce a speed limit of 20mph on the Downlands Estate Roads (and certain roads south of the A259). The PC paper leading to the resolution may be seen here; it identifies the possible roads requiring traffic furniture and/or roundels. EDDR is working with the PC in the application process. 

02 January 2025HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL

02 January 2025Can you help us?

We are looking for some support: i) someone to focus on recording and monitoring customer/resident related issues; ii) someone we can call upon for legal advice periodically; iii) someone to join our Board of Directors. If you are interested in helping us in any of these areas please Contact Us for further information and to arrange a chat.

02 January 2025Website Statistics - 2024

Monthly viewing statistics for 2024:

Month Sessions Page Views
Dec 123 298
Nov 186 509
Oct 160 429

Year to Date

469 1,236

01 December 20242025 Contribution

The amount of the 2025 contribution to the Roads Maintenance fund was set at the AGM in March 2024. It is £125 per household. Invoices will be issued in January and we ask for payment by end of February 2025. Payment in this timeframe allows us to confirm our place in the contractors' busy schedules. Thank you

21 November 2024Annual Gulley Clearance

The annual jet washing and clearing of the 235 gullies on the Estate will be taking place Mon-Wed 25-27 November. A large combination unit is involved - please take care when passing. 

20 November 2024Public or Private Roads

The Roads on the Downlands Estate are classified as ‘private streets’ or unadopted public highways. They are part of the overall public highway network and hence are public rights of way. However, as they have not been adopted by the Highways Authority (ESCC), they are not maintained at public expense and therefore need to be privately maintained. That is where EDDR comes in. On behalf of the residents on the Estate we arrange for the road maintenance, including resurfacing, pothole repairs, and gully and drain clearances.

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