Privacy Policy

The East Dean Downlands (Roads) Ltd website stores very limited information about our site visitors. However we do use some external services which may store data:- 

i) we have a contact us form which allows you to send us a message/enquiry. The details you fill in are passed to us by email but not stored on the website. We will retain the emails sent to us this way and may use your contact details to respond to you about your enquiry
ii) the East Dean Downlands (Roads) Ltd website collects visitor information through Google Analytics. This information is anonymised and should not personally identify you.

If you have any queries about our use of your data please use the contact details you can find on the website. 


Don't ForgetCheck the News page periodically
Did You Know?The Roads on the Downlands Estate are part of the public highway and therefore all the usual rules and regulations of the road apply.
Have we got your email?Use the 'Contact Us' form to let us know your email address if we haven't got it already. Then we can communicate with you more quickly.
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