The Players
EDDR is one in a group of players who all work collectively for the benefit of all householders on the Estate. There’s our own Team, the Householders themselves, Shareholders (who are also householders), our Contractors, and the Parish Council and Residents Association.
Our Team
Since the company was set up, over 40 years ago, it has been run solely by various groups of volunteers. There are no employees. Today the company has two directors - Robert Corbett (Chair) and Stewart Fuller (Co. Secretary) who commission contractors as required. The Directors are supported by Caraline Marchant (Administrator) who took over from Rowland Hoar at the end of 2024.
We hold Ops meetings every six/eight weeks to manage the day-to-day activities of the company. The Board meets three times each year. We also benefit from the input of several advisors. However, we can always do with more support eg: someone to focus on recording and monitoring customer/resident related issues; someone we can call upon for legal advice periodically; and somone to join our Board of Directors. If you are interested in helping us in any of these areas please Contact Us for more information and to arrange a chat.
There are 600+ properties on the Downlands Estate and EDDR aims to provide a service to them all in arranging the maintenance of the Estate roads. Householders provide the annual funding for EDDR to operate for the benefit of the Estate community. The company holds the names and addresses of all Estate properties along with 70%+ of household emails in its secure database. We communicate with households via email (global and road specific), the Parish Magazine and this website. To add your email (or check whether we hold yours), or to check the balance on your account, use the Contact Us form above.
New residents are sent an introductory newsletter about EDDR (a copy is in the on-line library).
EDDR is a private company limited by shares. All households on the East Dean Downlands Estate are entitled to become a shareholder. A share certificate, in single or joint names of the householder, is provided.
At May 2024 we had 246 shareholders out of a potential 606 households, 40%+. Residents are encouraged to become shareholders and can apply via the Contact Us form giving their name(s) and address.
We aim to hold the AGM in March or April of each year in respect of the calendar year just ended. At the AGM the directors will present their annual report and accounts (on-line library) and hold an open forum to discuss road maintenance plans. All residents are entitled to attend the AGM but only those shareholder households which have paid all annual contributions in full, past and present years, will be entitled to vote.
A shareholder who moves away from the Estate will automatically forfeit their share interest.
There are two main activities in looking after the roads – resurfacing and pothole repairs, and drainage (The Roads). The Directors commission contractors to undertake various works based on the advance works plan, and arrange urgent works as required. The current contractors’ respective websites can be accessed via the Links tab above.
Parish Council and Residents' Association
We work closely with the PC and RA and hold regular tripartite meetings to benefit all road users on the Estate.